FAQ — Euphoria Music & Camping Festival

Thank you, Euphoria Family :)

Euphoria Music & Camping Festival

April 2018 | Carson Creek Ranch, Austin — TX

Euphoria, a music & camping festival is returning for the 6th year on April 6-9, 2017 to Carson Creek Ranch in Austin, TX. #FindYourEuphoria

+ What is Euphoria?

Euphoria is far more than a music experience, far more than a festival, a place where you listen, create, feel and — literally — live in the moment. Find out more.

+ When is Euphoria?

Euphoria 2017 will take place on April 6 - 9. For the first time, the campgrounds will open a day earlier for Early Entry pass holders.

Festival hours:

  • Thursday: 6pm - 12am
  • Friday: 2pm - 2am
  • Saturday: 12pm - 2am
  • Sunday: 12pm - 12am

Campgrounds open at 12pm (noon) Wednesday, April 5 for Early Entry pass holders and 12pm (noon) Thursday, April 6 for everyone else.

Early Entry passes are available for campers who wish to arrive on Wednesday, April 5. You can purchase an early entry pass here.

+ Where is Euphoria?

Euphoria is held at Carson Creek Ranch, located within 4 minutes of the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, in Austin, Texas. Get more info at euphoriafest.com/travel.

  • GA Festival, GA Camping, VIP Festival without Camping Entrance: 8500 Hergotz Ln, Austin, TX 78742
  • VIP Camping/RV Entrance: 1000 Thornberry Rd, Del Valle, TX 78617
  • Main Box Office: 8500 Hergotz Ln, Austin, TX 78742
  • VIP Camping/RV Box Office: 1000 Thornberry Rd, Del Valle, TX 78617

+ What are the types of tickets?

The following pass types are available for purchase. Everyone planning to camp must have their own camping pass.




You can find the single day lineups here. Upgrade Add-ons are available here.

We also have several VIP Glamping pacakges available including EnlighTENTment tents which are pre-setup for your arrival, Tentsile hanging tree tents you get to keep after the weekend and RV passes.

+ Ticketing Locations

Prefer to grab your tickets in person? Here is our list of hard ticketing partners:

  • Houston
    Cactus Music
    2110 Portsmouth St
    Houston, TX 77098
  • Austin
    BC Smokeshop
    2001 Guadalupe St
    Unit A
    Austin, TX 78705
  • Fayetteville
    Dark Star Visuals
    106 N Block Ave
    Fayetteville, AR 72701
  • San Antonio
    Supreme Smoke
    5841 Babcock Rd
    San Antonio, TX 78240
  • Denver
    Grassroots Denver
    846 N Santa Fe Dr
    Denver, CO 80204

+ Access/ADA

Euphoria is accessible to all guests, no matter the situation. We are continually improving our accessibility accommodations and appreciate any feedback you may have. Feel free to contact ada@euphoriafest.com with any other questions and/ or concerns.

Parking: A separate ADA lot will be available for patrons with valid handicap placards, plates and/or permits, as well as the applicable proof that it belongs to them. Please follow signage or ask staff upon entering the festival how to access this lot. Please note that it is against the law to park in an accessible parking space without the required ADA credentials or to fraudulently use someone else’s in order to gain access to ADA parking spots.

Accessible Camping:

  • Preferred camping locations are available for those with accessibility needs. Campsites include close access to paths, entrances, exits, shuttles, accessible restrooms, and accessible showers.
  • Accessible camping spots are available on a first come, first served basis. Please register for camping and then contact us with the transaction number found in your confirmation email in advance to reserve your spot. Registering helps us prepare for your group and plan our accessible camping area. Limited spots will be available to unregistered guests onsite but are not guaranteed. You will need a verified ADA placard or license plate to enter the accessible camping area. The person to whom the placard or plate is issued to must be present in the vehicle, as a driver or passenger. As part of gaining access to accessible camping, identification will be checked to ensure legitimate use.

Access Center: All accessibility-related inquiries can be answered at our Access Center, which will be located at right inside the venue entrance and in the accessible camping area. Additionally this is the location to recharge wheelchair batteries and/or the other assistive technology requiring electrical recharging, as well as storing equipment.

Accessible Viewing Areas: There will be accessible viewing areas made available to ADA patrons who may need to see above the crowd on the main stage. For entrance to the platform please visit the Access Center to gain access to this area.

Getting Around: The venue is accessible to guests with wheelchairs or motorized scooters. There are accessible pathways and routes throughout the venue. We encourage all patrons to utilize personal forms of transportation, including wheelchairs and scooters. Absolutely no personal golf carts will be allowed. If you need to recharge your motorized wheelchair, you may do so at the Access Center. Patrons should bring all cords and accessories needed to charge their devices. Chargers must use a 110-volt, 20 amp circuit. We will not be providing wheelchair or scooter rentals.

Service Animals:

  • Persons with disabilities and their service dogs or miniature horses that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for those persons with disabilities are welcome at Euphoria Music Festival, as are those training service animals. Pets are not allowed and will be turned away. Due to large-scale animal service fraud, and for the protection of all festival patrons, service animals must be screened and registered at the Access Center immediately upon entry to the site. Please contact us at ada@euphoriafest.com for protocol regarding service animals.
  • Any service animal whose task is to provide protection, emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship, is not considered a service animal and will not be allowed into the venue.
  • All service animals must remain by the handler’s side at all times and must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls.
  • Service animals must be housebroken and should use the service animal relief area provided in Accessible Camping.
  • Anyone bringing an animal will be responsible for and liable for any damage or injury caused by the animal.

Effective Communication Requests: There will be several options available for ADA patrons with auditory disabilities. We will have assisted listening devices available at the Access Center. If you require effective communication in the form of an ASL Interpreter or closed captioning, please contact us at ada@euphoriafest.com. NOTE: Requests must be made no later than two weeks before the event to allow for sufficient processing time.

Visual Accommodations: We will be providing daily guided tours throughout the venue. If you would like a guided tour, please contact us ada@euphoriafest.com. Requests for large font and Braille must be made at least two weeks in advance.

Additional Services:

  • Accessible Restrooms will be available throughout the venue and will be located at all restroom banks. Access Maps will be available show these locations.
  • ATM’s and Concessions are fully accessible and located throughout the venue. If assistance is required please confer with a festival staff member.
  • First Aid: We have several First Aid locations that are noted on the festival maps. Professional medical staff can help you with your medical needs at these locations.
  • Special Dietary Needs: Euphoria Music Festival will have food vendors that provide gluten-free options. For those with special dietary needs beyond the festival food service, please contact us atada@euphoriafest.com for further information.

In continually trying to make our festival more accessible we encourage you to contact us at ada@euphoriafest.com for any of your accessibility-related needs. Additionally, if you have any questions about policies or our services please reach out to us.

+ Will there be access to free water?

Staying well hydrated is the key to beating the Texas heat! There will be free water stations in the festival and camping. Each attendee may carry up to two empty bottles into the festival and camping grounds. Empty water bottles/camelbacks are allowed in the festival and will also be sold inside the festival. There will also be water available for purchase at the bar.

+ What are the accepted forms of ID?

  • State Issued Driver’s License
  • Passport
  • Uniformed Services ID Card
  • Foreign Driver’s License
  • Expired Driver’s License AND State-Issued Temporary (Paper) ID

+ Can I leave the festival once I enter?

In an effort to ensure our patrons safety and efficiency of our entry operations, there is no daily in-and-out or re-entry permitted at the festival. Please pack accordingly and take advantage of our festival locker program, charging stations, and check out the festival general store to grab any essential you may have forgotten. Camping Pass holders will be free to travel between the campgrounds and festival as needed.

+ First Aid/ Medical?

We will have 24-hour medical staff on site during the festival weekend (April 5-10, 2017). Upon arrival, please take note of the location of our clearly-marked medical tents should you need to stop by throughout the weekend. If you need medical assistance, contact the nearest security official, staff member, volunteer, or medical staff; or go to one of the on-site medical tents. If you’re not sure whether it’s an emergency or not, assume it is and get help immediately. All of our safety and medical staff are here to help you enjoy the festival and make it home safely - no judgements.

+ Lost & Found

Did you lose something? Festival attendees can check our Lost & Found Inventory or file a claim for the lost item so we can contact you when it is turned in.

Lost & Found/Info Booths will also be located inside the festival grounds and The Farm GA Campground.

Festival Lost & Found Hours:

  • Friday: 2pm - 2am
  • Saturday: 12pm - 2am
  • Sunday: 12pm - 12am

The Farm GA Campground Lost & Found Hours:

  • Wednesday 7pm - Midnight
  • Thursday 11am - Midnight
  • Friday 11am - 2:30am
  • Saturday 11am - 2:30am
  • Sunday 11am -1am
  • Monday 8am - 2pm

+ What happens if it rains?

Euphoria is rain or shine; no refunds will be issued should inclement weather occur. Texas weather can be unpredictable. Please keep an eye on the weather and pack accordingly. As always, please be sure to listen to any updates from Euphoria staff regarding your safety.


Yes, but be responsible! Children 12 and under do not need a wristband and will receive free admission. Please be mindful of little ones' ears and always provide appropriate hearing protection. Minors under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

+ Will pets be allowed in the festival grounds?

We have a strict no-pet rule, with exceptions only for service animals as specified by federal and state law. UNLESS YOU HAVE A LEGITIMATE SERVICE ANIMAL, PLEASE LEAVE YOUR PETS AT HOME. All service animals must be registered at the entrance gates. Please note that comfort animals, emotional support animals, and therapy animals are not considered service animals and will not be allowed into the venue grounds. Ticket holders may be turned away if a pet is found in your car.

+ Can I bring a Totem?

Yes. Please make sure it fits within the following regulations: No totems over 10 feet, constructed of metal or wooden pieces, sharpened elements, or are capable of being pounded into the ground or causing harm to others.

+ Can I bring my medication?

In order to bring necessary medications into the festival or camping grounds, please make sure you have the following:

  • A valid Photo ID (See list of acceptable forms of identification)
  • Pill Bottles that are in-date and clearly marked with name and prescription
  • ONLY one type of pill per bottle (make sure it matches the prescription on the outside)
  • Any Prescription Controlled Substances may only be brought in quantities reasonable for your time at the festival.
  • Unsure if your medication is a controlled substance? Check out a list here.

+ Festival Grounds prohibited items

All bags and persons will be searched. Any prohibited item that is surrendered to security at search points will not be returned. Please note, Euphoria reserves the right to make the final decision on allowed and non-allowed items without notice.

  • Glass of any kind
  • Weapons or harmful objects
  • Illegal substances
  • Pet(s)
  • Outside food or beverages (includes candy). Please note, outside food and sealed non-alcoholic beverages are allowed in the Euphoria campgrounds.
  • Alcohol
  • Professional camera equipment (cameras with a detachable lens, tripods, video cameras)
  • Laser pointers
  • Large Backpacks(>10x10)/Luggage (Drawstring bags acceptable)
  • Chairs
  • Cooking or heating elements of any kind, open flames, charcoal grills, gas lanterns, gas stoves, tiki torches, sky lanterns or fires
  • Items that can be used as a weapon, including pepper spray
  • Motorized vehicles of any kind
  • Generators
  • Compressed gas canisters (Co2, propane, etc.)
  • Fireworks or any other kind of explosive
  • Unauthorized vending items
  • Amplified sound equipment
  • Bad Attitudes
  • Drones/UAVs (if found, will result from your immediate removal from the festival grounds)
  • Hammers
  • Unsealed over-the-counter Medications (Available at General Store and Medical Tent)
  • Umbrellas
  • Unsealed Eye Drops
  • Vitamins/Supplements
  • Large flashlights/spotlights larger than pocket sized (headlamps and battery-powered lanterns are allowed).

+ What do I need to know about camping at Euphoria?

The camping experience is what really makes this festival! Awake every morning with Euphorians just like you. Share your experiences with friends, new and old, as you immerse yourself in festival life.

Campers must show a festival wristband to enter the campground. One camping pass is required for each person camping.

Our campgrounds are tent-only camping. This means we do not allow cars! Parking is located nearby. We want as many people as possible to have room to camp, so please respect the limit of 10 x 15 feet per camping spot.

Each 10 x 15 spot must be accompanied by a camping tent, and we ask that any shade structures be placed directly above the camping tent - not alongside it. Camping spots can not be held or reserved for any reason, so arrive with your friends if you want to be neighbors!

Camping WILL SELL OUT - if you plan to camp, act now. If you want to camp, you must buy a Festival Admission + Camping Pass. We cannot guarantee camping add-ons will be available.

+ I bought a GA ticket and now want to add a camping pass - what do I do?

You can purchase a Camping Add-On on here. We cannot guarantee the availability of Camping Add-Ons on site at the festival. The only way to ensure you can camp is to purchase that inclusive pass now. Please email ticketing@euphoriafest.com with questions.

+ Are there plans to expand the camping area in addition to early entry on Wednesday?

This year, there will be a larger quantity of campsites available to our attendees. The campsites themselves will also be larger than in years past. Click here more information about our camping improvements.

+ How many people can sleep comfortably in a Tentsile?

The Tentsile can comfortably sleep 2 people, leaving a little extra space for your gear. Our Tentsile packages come with 2 Festival + Camping passes.

+ What time does the campground open?

For the first time, The Euphoria Campground will open at noon on Wednesday for those that purchase an Early Entry pass. All other campers are able to access the campground from Thursday, April 6, at noon until it closes the following Monday, April 10, at noon.

+ Is luggage drop-off only available for VIP camping?

Yes, but the GA campgrounds are closer to the parking lot than ever before. VIP campers have exclusive access to luggage drop-off assistance from our staff to help transport and unload gear at their campsite.

+ I want to bring my RV or camper - how does that work?

A limited number of RV spots will be available for purchase. Each individual staying in an RV must have a valid RV wristband, camping wristband and 3-Day festival pass for entrance. There is a maximum of 8 people per RV spot allowed. RV spots are single entry, once your vehicle is parked in your spot there are no ins and outs. You must remain parked for the duration of the festival. Purchase an RV spot here.

+ Do you have a map of where VIP camping will be located?

A festival map including stages, campgrounds, and other hot spot locations can be found here: http://www.euphoriafest.com/camping-info/

+ I got VIP Camping but my friends did not. Can they still come chill with me in the campgrounds without staying overnight?

Our VIP campgrounds are exclusive to VIP campers only. To gain access into the VIP campgrounds, you will need to purchase a VIP+Camping wristband or upgrade Add-On.

+ Is there car camping?

No. For safety reasons, cars will not be allowed to enter the campgrounds. This year, camping parking will be in the lots directly adjacent to the campgrounds.

+ Can we park next to our campsite?

No, car camping is not permitted at Euphoria. All tents, coolers and equipment should be carried in from the adjacent camping parking lot. Don't want to haul your own gear? Upgrade to VIP and get luggage bell-hop service — plus FREE parking!.

+ Can I "save" a campsite for a friend?

Camping spots can not be held or reserved for any reason. We know the festival camping experience is more fun with friends, so carpool, caravan or make plans to arrive together for the best chance at finding nearby campsites.

+ If I purchase the Enlightentment camping package later, will it just be an add-on charge or a whole other ticket?

Our Enlightentment Camping Package will include everything you need in order to gain access to all days of the festival, as well as camp. If you have already purchased your ticket, and want to add an EnlighTENTment tent or Tentsile upgrade, please purchase the appropriate Add-on here.

+ What amenities are available at the campgrounds?

GA Campers will have access to restrooms, showers (for a fee), charging stations, hand wash stations, free water refill stations, food and beverage, a variety of vendors and ATMs. There will also be morning yoga and workshop sessions held exclusively for campers, all the more reason to pack your tent and stay the weekend. Purchase a GA camping pass.

VIP Campers get FREE parking in a designated VIP parking lot immediately adjacent the camping area and a bellhop luggage service ready to help unload your gear. In addition, the VIP Camping area is open and unrestricted, with access to the tree-shaded banks of Carson Creek. VIP campers also have exclusive access to complimentary VIP restrooms and showers, as a well as a dedicated support team. Purchase a VIP Camping pass.

+ What can we bring into the campgrounds?

Sealed food and non-alcoholic beverages stored in non-breakable containers will be permitted inside the camping area. Keep in mind when packing food items that open flames or fires are not allowed (this includes camping stoves).

Acoustic music is welcome. Please respect your neighbors and leave your electrified music gear at home.

+ Campground prohibited items

All bags and persons will be searched. Any prohibited item that is surrendered to security at search points will not be returned. Please note, Euphoria reserves the right to make the final decision on allowed and non-allowed items without notice.

  • Glass of any kind
  • Weapons or harmful objects
  • Illegal substances
  • Pet(s)
  • Outside Alcohol (packaged beer and wine will be available for purchase for a reasonable price inside the campgrounds)
  • Professional camera equipment (cameras with a detachable lens, tripods, video cameras)
  • Laser pointers
  • Cooking or heating elements of any kind, open flames, charcoal grills, gas lanterns, gas stoves, tiki torches, sky lanterns or fires
  • Items that can be used as a weapon, including pepper spray
  • Motorized vehicles of any kind
  • Generators
  • Compressed gas canisters (Co2, propane, etc.)
  • Fireworks or any other kind of explosive
  • Unauthorized vending
  • Bad Attitudes
  • Drones/UAVs (if found, will result from your immediate removal from the festival grounds)
  • Hammers
  • Unsealed over-the-counter Medications (Available at General Store and Medical Tent)
  • Umbrellas
  • Unsealed Eye Drops
  • Vitamins/Supplements
  • Amplified sound equipment


  • DON'T: Bring glass bottles of any kind.
  • DO: Register as a vendor if you plan to sell art, clothing or merch! Vending will only be allowed in designated areas.
  • DON'T: Bring any weapons or harmful objects.
  • DO: Carpool or secure appropriate travel arrangements to and from the festival. Cars, go-karts, hovercrafts and any other motorized transportation vehicles will not be permitted in the campgrounds.
  • DON’T: Bring illegal substances. Remember, although laws vary from state to state, Euphoria Music Festival and the campgrounds must adhere to Texas state law.
  • DO: Leave your pet(s) at home. We know, we’ll miss ours too.
  • DON’T: Bring outside food or beverages into the main festival grounds. Trying to do so could result in a security member tossing out your ice cold beverage – and that’s never fun.
  • DO: Attempt to “leave no trace,” and leave the campground cleaner than you found it. Place all trash in the nearest bin. We also suggest bringing your own black trash bags.
  • DON’T: Plan to cook anything that requires a fire or open flame, as they are not permitted.
  • DO: Keep the marked fire lanes clear, and refrain from blocking these areas when setting up tents or camping spots.
  • DON'T: Forget to drink lots of water and rest, taking breaks when necessary.
  • DO: Make the most of the experience, take care of one another, and enjoy the ride!

+ Does everyone in my tent need a camping pass?

Yes. Each person who plans to camp or enter the campgrounds needs a valid camping wristband. Only camping wristband holders will be allowed access the campgrounds. Day pass holders or 3-Day pass holders without a camping wristband will not be allowed to access the campgrounds.

+ If I want to get the RV package, does it include the camping pass as well?

No, the RV package is strictly for the parking of the vehicle in our RV campgrounds. Every occupant on the RV must also purchase a camping wristband.

+ Will camping sell out?

We have a limited amount of space in our campground and we expect camping passes to sell quicker than ever before in 2017. If you want to camp, you must buy a Festival Admission + Camping Pass. Already have your festibal pass? Purchase a camping upgrade here.


+ What are the types of tickets?

The following pass types are available for purchase. Everyone planning to camp must have their own camping pass.




You can find the single day lineups here. Upgrade Add-ons are available here.

We also have several VIP Glamping packages including EnlighTENTment tents which are pre-setup for your arrival, Tentsile hanging tree tents you get to keep after the weekend and RV passes.

+ What does the Fly Life VIP Festival Pass include?

Our VIP options elevate the Euphoria experience. The VIP Fly Life pass includes an express entrance to beat the crowd, access to a dedicated support staff, designated preferred viewing areas, private bars with drink specials, happy hours, and air-conditioned bathrooms. Purchase a VIP Fly Life pass now.

+ What does the Fly Life VIP Festival + Camping Pass include?

These perks are exclusive to to VIP Fly Life Camping pass holders:

FREE PARKING: Access to a designated VIP parking lot immediately adjacent the camping area is included with your pass, complete with bellhops ready to help unload your gear.

MORE SHADE, RESTROOMS & SHOWERS: The VIP camping area is open and unrestricted, with access to the tree-shaded banks of Carson Creek. VIP campers also get exclusive access to complimentary VIP restrooms and showers, as a well as a dedicated support team.Purchase a VIP Fly Life Camping pass now.

+ If I purchase GA+Camping, does this include early entry on Wednesday as well?

No, in order to gain early entry on Wednesday you will need to purchase our limited Early Entry passes in addition to your GA+Camping wristband. However, all camping packages do include entry into the pre-party on Thursday.

+ Will there be Camping Add-Ons or VIP Upgrades available for pre-existing orders in the future?

You can purchase an Add-on or upgrade here. Please note: We cannot guarantee the availability of Camping Add-Ons or VIP Upgrades at a later date. The only way to ensure you can camp or access VIP areas is to purchase that inclusive pass now. Please email ticketing@euphoriafest.com with questions.

+ If I ordered the incorrect pass, can I get a refund in order to purchase the correct ticket?

Unfortunately, our policy does not allow for refunds of any kind. However, if you accidentally purchased the incorrect ticket, you can purchase the correct one and send your confirmation number to ticketing@euphoriafest.com and we will cancel your original order. This can not be permitted on orders completed though JusCollege and other 3rd party sites.

+ I bought the GA Festival only pass, but I would like to buy a camping add-on. Where do I go to do this?

If financially possible, the best way to proceed would be to purchase the correct pass and send the confirmation to ticketing@euphoriafest.com and we will cancel your original order. If not, we have upgrades and add-ons available here: https://euphoria2017upgrades.eventbrite.com

+ Does my VIP pass include unlimited free food and drinks?

Our VIP packages do not include unlimited free drinks or food. However, we will be offering several special VIP only happy hours featuring select products.

+ Are there payment plans?

Yes! You can now opt to pay for your Euphoria experience in fixed monthly installments. Subject to approval, enjoy payments over 3 or 6 months at $0 down

+ How to sign up for Affirm Payment Plans?

  1. Visit the Eventbrite ticket page.
  2. Select your ticket as you normally would and proceed to check-out
  3. Under “Payment Method,” select "Monthly Payments with Affirm" from the drop-down menu
  4. Complete the Buyer and Address information on the page and click "Continue to Affirm"
  5. Fill out the information for your Affirm application
  6. If you are approved, select the plan you want, click Confirm Loan and you're done!
  7. Your first monthly payment is due 30 days from the date that Eventbrite processes your order For more info about Affirm, please visit this link.

+ I bought my ticket with the payment plan, and I want to change my shipping address but it won’t let me.

All payments in the payment plan must be completed before the shipping address may be updated.

+ I have seen your tickets at a discounted price on the app, JusCollege. Is this a scam, or are the tickets legitimate?

The tickets are indeed legitimate. Euphoria has partnered with JusCollege in order to offer special discounts to the collegiate market.

+ How old do you have to be to attend the festival?

Euphoria is an 18+ event. You will be asked to show a valid photo ID upon entry. Minors under 18 are allowed in on a per-instance basis and must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian with proper documentation.

+ Is VIP 21 and up only?

No. Euphoria is an 18 and up event, and this includes VIP as well. However, if you are 21+ and plan on drinking in the VIP areas, you will need to provide valid identification.

+ I bought my ticket, but when I go to open the PDF in my Eventbrite app it is not available.

Since this is an RFID event, we don't deliver an e-ticket/barcode, and instead ship a wristband to the address on file before the shipping deadline. If you purchased your ticket after the shipping cutoff of 3/15, your wristband will be available at the Box Office at the festival.

+ Should I receive an email with my order confirmation?

Yes. If you do not see your order confirmation in your inbox, make sure to check your junk/spam folder. If you have not received your confirmation or are having any other technical ticketing-related issues with your order, contact Eventbrite.

+ How do I get my ticket? How will I know when wristbands have shipped?

Festival and regular camping passes will be shipped in the form of wristbands while Early Entry passes and other camping packages are emailed as PDF tickets. All wristbands from domestic orders purchased before March 15, 2017 will ship in March 2017. Please allow to the end of March 2017 for your wristbands to arrive. You should receive an email from Eventbrite when your order is on the way with a tracking number. All orders placed after the beginning of March will be picked up at the Box Office at the festival.

+ I'm attending the festival from out of the country, will my wristband or ticket still be mailed to me?

To avoid issues with international shipping, all international orders will held for pickup at Box Office. Our ticketing provider will send you an email outlining the details closer to the festival.

+ I can no longer attend, can I get a refund?

Unfortunately no. There are no refunds or exchanges.

+ Should I buy a ticket from a third-party?

No. If you purchase from a third-party individual, you risk buying a counterfeit or invalid ticket. Euphoria is not responsible for and is under no obligation to accept fake, lost or stolen tickets.

+ I have an issue with an existing order - where can I get help?

For all issues regarding ticket orders, please read through Eventbrite's FAQ section in their Help section. For questions about wristbands or registration, please see the Eventbrite How-To. If you still have questions, please contact Eventbrite directly through their Customer Service/ Help Portal. Make sure to have your ticket confirmation number ready.

+ Is there anything else I should know?

Yes. By purchasing a ticket or entering this site, you are subject to Euphoria's Terms of Service


+ How do I register my wristband?

To register your wristband, simply go here: https://www.eventbrite.com/g/euphoria-music-festival-all-attendees-46/wristband

+ Where is my wristband? When will it ship?

You can find estimated shipment and delivery dates along with other tracking information from the Tickets page in your Eventbrite account.

If you purchased your wristband after the cutoff date for shipping, please proceed to Will Call with a copy of your original order confirmation email and a photo ID. We'll get you set up.

+ How can I update my shipping address?

You can update your shipping address on the Tickets page until the cutoff date when shipping begins. If you aren't available at the shipping address you provided and don't have a different address, you can cancel the shipment and pick up your replacement wristband at the event in Will Call.

If you can't receive the package after it's been shipped to the provided address, please proceed to Will Call with a copy of your original order confirmation email and a photo ID. We'll get you set up.

In all cases, shipping fees are non-refundable.

NOTE: If your shipping address is wrong when shipping begins, you'll need to pick up your wristband at Will Call. The original order confirmation email and a photo ID may be required for wristband pick-up.

+ What to do if your wristband is lost, stolen, incorrect, or damaged

If you haven't received your wristband yet, take a look at your Tickets page for estimated shipping and delivery dates.

ONLY INCLUDE IF WRISTBAND EXCHANGES ARE ALLOWED AT YOUR FESTIVAL. If your wristband is marked as "delivered" but you never received it or if it’s been lost or stolen, you can deactivate your original wristband and request a replacement wristband to pick up at the event from Will Call. From the Tickets page in your Eventbrite account, find your order, select "Manage Wristband," then choose "Deactivate wristband." Once the wristband is deactivated, you can to pick up your replacement wristband(s) at Will Call. For more detailed instruction on how to do this go here. It’s important to know that we can not reship any orders and that shipping fees are non-refundable. Wristband replacement fees may apply. TIP: Did you buy your ticket after the cutoff date for shipping? No problem—you can confirm Will Call pick-up on your Tickets page too.

+ Can I pick up my wristband at Will Call?

If you can't get your wristband at the address provided, you can cancel the shipment on the Tickets page in your Eventbrite account, then pick up a replacement wristband at Will Call. All you need to bring with you is your original order confirmation email and a photo ID.

Please note that shipping fees are non-refundable.

TIP: Having trouble finding your order confirmation email from Eventbrite? Make sure to check the spam folder in your inbox, or search for an email from orders@eventbrite.com.

+ Can someone else pick up my wristband at Will Call?

ONLY INCLUDE IF THIS POLICY APPLIES TO YOUR FESTIVAL Yes! If you purchased your ticket after the cutoff date for shipping, you're sent a PDF ticket along with your order confirmation email. Someone else can pick up your wristband at Will Call with the PDF ticket and a copy of your photo ID. If you don't have a PDF ticket, you can have someone else pick up your wristband through the following steps: 1) Cancel the shipment (if it hasn't shipped already) on your Tickets page, then

2) Have the new attendee bring a copy of your photo ID and the order ID number (found in your order confirmation email) to Will Call.

Wristband replacement fees may apply.