Big Wild Interview
We had a chance to chat with one of our newest members to the Euphoria family: BIG WILD! See what he had to say about upcoming projects, where he finds his inspiration, and what he's anticipating most about Euphoria! Also, don't forget to see his performance 7:55PM at the Dragonfly Stage on Sunday.
Where do you draw your inspiration from?
Everywhere. I'm constantly branching out musically to find new things and sounds that interest me. Also, I'm always seeking new experiences in general. They inspire new ideas for my music!
What are you working on currently?
I'm working on a lot of original music to release throughout the year. I can't wait to start putting new stuff out! I'm also working on my live show for my headline tour!
Having toured with both GRiZ & ODESZA how would you say your musical style has been impacted?
I've been fortunate to tour with both of these artists. I've learned the foundation of putting on a great live show from performance, to crowd engagement, to visuals/presentation. They definitely have inspired ideas for my own set!
What are you most anticipating about Austin, TX?
I've been to Austin several times and have really enjoyed myself each time. I'm really stoked to link up with some of my best friends while I'm there. We plan on doing a mini camping trip after the festival!
What emoji best describes you and why?
😎. Makes me feel cool hehe.
What is your favorite part about playing a live show?
The parts when people are dancing and vibing the most. It means I'm really making a strong connection with the audience, and nothing feels better!
What can fans expect from your performance at Euphoria?
New music and a new set! It's going to be special. I'm extremely excited ;)