Workshops — Euphoria Music & Camping Festival

Thank you, Euphoria Family :)

Euphoria Music & Camping Festival

April 2018 | Carson Creek Ranch, Austin — TX

Euphoria, a music & camping festival is returning for the 6th year on April 6-9, 2017 to Carson Creek Ranch in Austin, TX. #FindYourEuphoria

Workshops at Euphoria

Workshops are an exciting part of Euphoria. Learn more about the other exciting components of the Art Outside Village at Euphoria.


Leave a Positive Trace - 3PM 

Austin Permaculture Guild

Do you want to make a positive impact on the planet that also benefits all living species?
Learn some fun and creative strategies for leaving a positive trace on the world around you.

First we'll delve into ways you can start making that regenerative impact right now, at Euphoria Festival, and then we'll move deeper into how you can bring that light to the rest of the world.

Austin Permaculture Guild is an organization that serves the greater central Texas community by connecting people to courses, events, resources, and professionals made accessible to everyone.Austin Permaculture Guild is an organization that serves the greater central Texas community by connecting people to courses, events, resources, and professionals made accessible to everyone.

FRIDAY Workshops

Yoga - 10AM & 3PM

Yoga with Sanctuary Yoga.png

sanctuary yoga

Sanctuary Yoga honors the essence of yoga by offering classes that go beyond asanas – beyond the physical practice of yoga. Our classes address the heart of yoga by also incorporating nourishing breathing and meditation practices that honor the roots of yoga – service (seva)

Partner Hooping - 11AM

Samantha Sapphire

Come play fun flow games and explore partner hoop dance with your community. Bring your water, smiles, and open minds! Partner not required, hoops recommended.

Samantha Sapphire is a traveling performance artist and instructor based in Houston, TX, hailing from the beautiful Ozarks of Arkansas. Fire Dancer, Stilt Walker, Aerialist, and Prop Manipulator inspired by the infinite beauty of Earth, passionate dreamers, and above all else, music.

Mindful Sexuality: Connection Between Sexuality and Spirituality - 12PM 

One Taste Austin represented by Sofia Teplitzky & Natasha Benton

Sex is a nourishing source—and yet so many of us have been misusing our most powerful resource! Finding connection to our body and our sex can feel frustrating and impossible. Through the practice of Orgasmic Meditation, we can discover the sex and nourishment that our body truly desires. 

Sofia is a leader and practitioner of Orgasmic Meditation (OM) at OneTaste. She is a teacher, coach and OM Trainer. Through OM, her practice is coming out into the world as her complete self and helping others to live from their full expression.

Marijuana Reform and Community Activism - 1PM

Jason Miller

In order to make a change, we must know how to execute the change properly within the system in which we operate. Come learn how to effectively work and advocate for marijuana reform.

Jason served as the Executive Director for the Houston Chapter of NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) in 2014 and 2015, as the Marketing and Communications Director in 2016 and is currently a Lifetime Member and volunteer for the organization. He is experienced in all aspects of nonprofit marijuana activism, including: fundraising, lobbying, marketing, event planning, outreach, communications, media, graphic design, promotions, operations, and merchandising. 

An advocate for abolishing the unjust policy of prohibition and replacing it with a legal and regulated marketplace for adult use, Jason believes that human beings should never be punished by their government for using Cannabis responsibly, whether it be for medical, therapeutic, or recreational purposes. He also stresses the importance of the economic advantages to legalization, and replacing the criminal market with a legal market regulated by taxation, age restrictions, licensing, quality controls and consumer protections.

Stilt Walking (2hrs) - 2PM & 4PM

Flam Chen

Learn to balance, walk and get an introductory orientation to the ancient art of stilt walking. We have stilts to checkout and use for the workshop. Workshop will include introductory warm up, stretching techniques and demonstrations.

Flam Chen creates dazzling public spectacle, merging daredevil acrobatics, pyrotechnics and a mastery of air and fire arts. Our themes explore narratives that roam from the fantastic to the satirical with elaborate costuming; tightly woven choreography and skills finely honed over 20 years of innovation in new circus arts.

Rainwater Harvesting - 3PM

Jessica Huntingon

The goal of this class is to introduce Rainwater Harvesting as a sustainable practice for supplying water, so that we can become part of the solution for the ever looming water crisis. It's happening now, let's do this!

Intro to Ableton - 4PM

William Steffen from Dub Academy

Join our Ableton instructor, William, as he quickly and accurately guides us through the Audio setup, Templets, and Exporting projects out of the program. Budding music producers, don't miss this class!

William is an Ableton Instructor at Dub Academy. Dub Academy courses are designed with you in mind. Whether your path is DJing or Producing as a career, supplemental income, or just plain fun, let us take you there and give you the tools you will need to be successful. Our location is central, our instructors are fun, calm, relaxing, and inspire learning. We look forward to seeing you at Euphoria Music Festival!

Saturday Workshops


in partnership with Chaco Footwear & Keep AUSTIN BEAUTIFUL 

Together with Keep Austin Beautiful and Chacos Footwear we are cleaning up the creek that runs along the ranch. Join us and help keep our site clean! Don't miss out on this opportunity to hang with the Euphoria family, learn about our Ecophoria initiative, and most importantly, give back to our beautiful festival home. 

YOGA - 10AM & 2PM

sanctuary yoga

Sanctuary Yoga honors the essence of yoga by offering classes that go beyond asanas – beyond the physical practice of yoga. Our classes address the heart of yoga by also incorporating nourishing breathing and meditation practices that honor the roots of yoga – service (seva)

Get High With Us (INTRO to Acro Yoga) - 11AM

Get High With Us ( Introduction to Acro Yoga).jpg

Empowered Yoga - Katrina Repman and Chris Cox

Grab your yoga mat and prepare to make new friends! Together we will defy gravity by taking flight with partner acrobatics and therapeutic inversions. With a playful and supportive environment, we'll explore our strength that arises when we allow ourselves to trust one another. All levels welcome.

Empowered Acro founders Chris Cox and and Katrina Repman are passionate about graceful movement, genuine connection, and matching outfits. Both leaders in the Austin Acro Community, they love sharing their knowledge to foster communication, trust, and play.

Thai Yoga - 12PM

Meera Hoffman

Combining knowledge and personal experience with sacred Eastern and Western healing lineages, Meera artfully synthesizes profound offerings. She draws from her rich background including a bachelor's degree in neuroscience, living at an ashram in India, and serving as a licensed massage therapist & yoga instructor for almost 15 years.

Meera has led countless workshops on natural health and wellness; where she fosters a welcoming, nurturing, and nourishing environment. She invites community members of all experience levels to partake in her offerings.

Permaculture Strategies to Live Compassionately - 1PM

Austin Permaculture Guild

All living things on this planet deserve compassion, including yourself, fellow species, and our mother earth. How can you learn how to live compassionately towards all creatures in your daily routine?

The strategies laid out in this workshop by Austin Permaculture Guild extend not only throughout our human relationships, but into our choices in purchases and daily activities. So many of the choices we make in daily life have certain consequences to our environment that we are blind to. Come to open your eyes to share your compassionate light in all that you do.

Water Conservation and ART for Environmental Protection - 2PM 

Mermaids for Clean Water

Ever wonder who you're swimming with at the creek? Want to know more about how your art can protect the environment? In this workshop you will learn some basic biomonitoring techniques to identify species and detect the quality of water in your community. Also, learn how your art can be a catalyst for environmental protection. Brought to you a professional mermaid and water quality educator you can bridge the gap between the arts and the sciences to protect our water.

Lindsay Loftin is an Environmental Educator and the founder of Mermaids for Clean Water. Mermaids for Clean Water is a new nonprofit that uses highly trained mermaids as educators to inspire children to create a clean water future using arts based science education, facilitating creek cleanups, and collaborating with local artists to create new an exciting educational materials.

Intermediate/Advanced Stilts (2hr) - 3PM

Flam Chen 

Workshop geared towards those that currently walk on stilts. Intermediate & advanced technique will be demonstrated and instructed by Flam Chen company members.

Flam Chen creates dazzling public spectacle, merging daredevil acrobatics, pyrotechnics and a mastery of air and fire arts. Our themes explore narratives that roam from the fantastic to the satirical with elaborate costuming; tightly woven choreography and skills finely honed over 20 years of innovation in new circus arts.

DJ Faders, Basic Scratching & the Principles of Mixing - 4PM

Travis Drews from Dub Academy

In this workshop, Travis will go over Faders, Basic Scratching, and the Principles of Mixing with Serato. Budding music producers, don't miss this class!

Travis is a DJ Instructor for Dub Academy. Dub Academy courses are designed with you in mind. Whether your path is DJing or Producing as a career, supplemental income, or just plain fun, let us take you there and give you the tools you will need to be successful. Our location is central, our instructors are fun, calm, relaxing, and inspire learning. We look forward to seeing you at Euphoria Music Festival!

Sunday workshops

Yoga - 10AM & 2PM

Sanctuary Yoga

Sanctuary Yoga honors the essence of yoga by offering classes that go beyond asanas – beyond the physical practice of yoga. Our classes address the heart of yoga by also incorporating nourishing breathing and meditation practices that honor the roots of yoga – service (seva)

Native Plant Walk - 11AM

Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine, represented by Erin Cooper

Join herbalists from the Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine to learn about the medicinal and edible and otherwise useful plants growing around Carson Creek Ranch. Many of these you may have walked on and walked by since you were a child, but never taken notice of. This hour long plant walk will provide a wonderful introduction to the botanical landscape and how to protect it and keep it there for others to enjoy.

Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine offers community driven herbal and natural health education. The school is both a journey into the green world, and a journey into ourselves, providing onsite learning in Austin and at our new healing center just outside of Austin in Cedar Creek. Our healing center has a fully stocked garden apothecary space, clinic space, gardens, classroom, and 8.5 wild acres of medicinal plants. The Wildflower School is one of the most established, and in depth holistic herbal training programs in Texas and the Deep South, as well as being the first and only onsite, year long clinical herbalist training program in the region

Beekeeping Basics - 12PM

Beekeeping Basics.jpg

Courtney Boudreau

Bzzzzzz! This workshop is all about the importance of bees and other pollinators, what we can do to save the species, and how to get started beekeeping!

Courtney has been practicing the important craft of beekeeping for the past three years. Knowing the vital importance of the bee population's survival for our own survival, Courtney is eager to help others become familiar with beekeeping!

Stop Swiping Right: How to have the relationships & sex you really want - 1PM

One Taste Austin represented by Sofia Teplitzky and Natasha Benton

We live in a time of fast, quick and easy relating where it can seem impossible to have kind of connection that is truly nourishing. Finding that nourishment can be confusing and challenging. Through the practice of OM and using our own desire as a compass, we can discover the real connection that our body wants.

Natasha has naturally gravitated towards practice throughout her life, whether it be as a massage therapist, a yoga teacher or as a daily practitioner of Orgasmic Meditation. Natasha is now a leader and practitioner of 2 years in OneTaste. She is a teacher, coach and OM Trainer, leading the TurnedON Womens Group, TurnedON Women Talks, and OMlife here in Austin.

Circus Arts: Aerials - 2PM

Flam Chen

Get an introduction to the basics or get tip on your on going circus training, with Jennifer Coughlan and Monica Boccio.

What is Ecophoria? - 3PM 

Euphoria Team 

Come learn about how the Euphoria team is trying to make the event more sustainable through their Ecophoria initiatives, and why this is such an important direction for the event world!